first day of the WoW minis qualifiers. i was there at 1030 and waited for the rest of the players to come. i took the time to decide on what team i was playing. in the end, E3 was still the best option for me. just that this time, bog elemental wouldn't be in. he'll be replaced by another EFS.
Storm Rager
-Air Drop
-Wrath of Air Totem
-Chain Lighting
Enraged Fire Spirit (Red Tape)
-Elemental Charge
-Fire Blast
Enraged Fire Spirit
-Elemental Charge
-Fire Blast
picking the ABCs was easy for me (this is not a good thing, as it shows that i have very limited ABCs to choose from and get very predictable).
my first match was against Joe from thailand. he ran a Vashj,Rethilgore and Crushridge Ogre. with a total of 24 honor, he was just 1 VP lesser than me to win. the match was fast. i won as i managed to get 1 kill on Vashj, 2 on Reth and Ogre. he made a lot of strategic mistakes which led to his downfall. 25 VP to 18 VP.
with the ending of the match, i walked around and found Highlord Bolvar Fordragon on a Pegasus!
second match began and my opponent was none other than mark tay. he was playing the team that i most feared, Triple Mortimer. the DOTs were spreading all around and i only managed to get 14 VP before he won. i was very proud of myself, as it was the first time i was playing against this team. today, i felt the wrath of the Demonic Circle.
i walked around again and found those Mortimers.
there are seriously too many of them!
match three was something i faced in the realms qualifiers. not only the person was the same, but his leading character was the same too. Orange ran a Vashj, Bloodscale Wavecaller and Crushridge Ogre party. he gained the 29 points he needed really quickly. within the first few ticks, both my EFS were dead. it was really unfair, he was getting Crits for all his dice rolls and no misses. if lady luck existed, i sure would give her a hard slap across her face. i've only gotten 14 VP.
there wasn't any match four for me as my opponent left. when the rest were finished, we had prize giving and i got Dagg'um Ty'gor and some common figure from the Bounty Board roll. we had lunch after that.
we came back and watched the Draft event. i needed coffee badly, so me and Wiloon went to Starbucks for a drink.
we went back to sign up for the 7 p.m. event and during the wait, i decided on the team i wanted to play. and still, E3 was all on my mind.
match one was against the same person i faced at my earlier match one, Joe. he changed his team though. he ran Prophet Velen, Savin Lightguard and Graccus A.K.A Velen Wall. the match was long and tiring. even after Overtime, we were both 4 VP away from victory. but i had an EFS at Victory Point Location, so i gained 1 more VP. i won at 20 VP to 27 VP.
second match for me still kept me shocked. i played against another thai player and he used Triple Murloc against me. i didn't know he was packing Ice Blocks as i saw him playing offensively for his matches. a BIG MISTAKE i made by not packing in Elemental Charge for my EFSs. i lost and till' this very moment (two days have passed), I'm still shocked.
match 3, i was against Wiloon. he switched his velen wall to something he was more familiar with, Cairne Bloodhoof. Aleyah and Thangal followed the Tauren Cheiftain. i won. i can't remember how it ended, it was either i gained the last 3 VP i needed or it was overtime.
two random pics of a match.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Children of all ages. What you are about to witness, is the last match of the evening. One man will Qualify. the other will not.
it was either me or Leck Koon. we gave our very best.
our match was featured on the popcorn gaming website (Full Review).
Leck Koon walked out the winner.
i stayed for the prize giving and got two commons from the Bounty Board roll. i traded those two with the earlier common i had for a Deathwhisper.
i went back home with the guy who lives near me by taxi.
30 august.
i met eugene, seow hung, wei jun and kimberly at bedok interchange to watch them eat. haha.
while watching them, i decided to join the side event to attempt to win a Mortimer.
i reached there and asked around if anyone was selling a Mortimer and they were, but all were selling above my budget.
i waited and watched the championship games.
i left after that as we were still short of players to hold the side event.
i went to Eugene's place and had dinner with him and kim.