i really like this fig a lot. but her stats are really terrible. she is neither a Shadow or Holy Priest, so she can't have access to Shadowform or Holy Nova. which is really sad.
her attack is weak (only useful if she crits, but that's hard, since only 3 dices are tossed).
she is a simple low honor fig, which is good.
Gift of Naaru is what makes her special. All Draenei can use this ability.
by looking at it, i can't afford her to use her normal attack, since she has to get pretty close to my opponents. so i've planned to use her for healing only.
so it boils down to how to make her useful with her ABCs and her other two friends.
the first ABC that came to my mind was actually a card that comes with her, Mass Dispel. i dislike DOTs a lot, especially those that come from Mortimers.
to me, her second card has to be an attacking card. its either Smite or Mind Blast. i prefer playing Mind Blast, as it has a higher attack and give me a chance to take out those irritating ABCs that my opponent is using.
Last ABC for her, i plan to pack her with Heal, just for safety measures.
She seems to need a lot of re-rolls as Crits are very important to her and whatever she does is either a Magic attack or a Healing ability. this is where Wrath of Air Totem could be used.
so which Shaman should i play?
i'm playing Prophet Velen. he's a strong fig by himself and Cristia will be doing all she can to keep him alive.
besides Wrath of Air Totem, the ABCs for him are Purge and Chain Lightning.
Last fig for me will be none other that Vindicator Hoodon. he brings a cool ability, which is still unique to him, Devotion Aura. both Velen and Cristia will benefit form this, making their Armor 3 and 2 respectively.
his ABCs will be Flash of Light, Bulwark of Azzinoth and Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros. Play Bulwark if you want defense. if not i suggest that Sulfuras would be a better choice.
here's the party. 24/22 Honor.
Anchorite Cristia :
Mass Dispel
Mind Blast
Prophet Velen:
Wrath of Air Totem
Chain Lightning
Vindicator Hoodon:
Flash of Light
Bulwark of Azzinoth
Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros