i finally did it! i finally won the wednesday WoW night Battlegrounds! i won all 3 games!
all those weeks of going to SMU to practice has finally paid off. the night sure wasn't easy, as i had to do A LOT of THINKING. i bet i killed a quarter of my brain cells. my first round was against the guy who gave me the win a couple of weeks ago.
the match was real tough. we were both neck to neck in this game. at one point, he cleared all my characters off the field. but i was lucky enough to capture the victory with my bog giving a one hit knock out (by starfire) on elendril. the second round was fun. i remembered my opponent playing moonshadow as she did a starfire on my bog before my bog starfire her. both dice throws proved to be epic failures. later on, he made an attack, with only 1 hit out of 5, but i received it as my 2 dice throws were misses. pure bad luck. i won the game with the help of the VP location from my EFS and the final kill. last round, i couldn't concentrate on the game. i was just too tired. i guess my opponents was too. he made some mistakes, which i was alert enough to exploit. my strom ranger was casting lighting everywhere. this week Battlegrounds was even more special as for the first round, i killed off one of my opponent's characters in 2 ticks (storm ranger and EFS) and i played chain lighting in the round 3 hitting 3 characters in a row.
at the end of everything, i am sure proud of myself and more proud of my amazing team, E3.
the guy who suggested to me to use E3 was there for awhile. i owe him all the thanks and this victory truly belongs to him.

i won this special mini. Shienor Sorcerer (birdman). its character card is foil and this one is special as it has a silver base with the battlegrounds word on it. its a rare in the next set (spoils of war), so it makes me really happy. with this win, my morale has been significantly boosted and makes me ready for the upcoming realm championship and darkmoon faire.