yesterday (16 May), i went for the realm championship qualifier. i went for the 4 pm qualifier as i was not able to make it for the 10 am qualifier due to school. i was there at 3 pm, patiently waiting for the thing to start. talk to some people like ian and henry (they both made it to the championship) and i overheard that two people that qualified earlier that day will be joining the 4 pm qualifier to eliminate competition. alex came after a while later. waited a lot more longer until 4 pm, where the head judge edwin told me the qualifier would be delayed. by 445, the games were about to begin.
my first match was against kelvin tan. he was one of the people who qualified earlier that day. i defeated his team of haruka, omedus the punisher and morova of the sands. the match was tough, but luck wasn't on his side. 1 win 0 lost for my team E3.
my second round was against michael thanalertvisuti, who was a guy who is from america currently living in thailand. i won because my team were dealing heavy damage and i secured the last 2 vp points i needed. he only managed to score 9 out of the 20 he needed. i enjoyed playing against his team of graccus, boris brightbeard and darlor as his game play was creative. 2 wins 0 lost.

for the third round, i was against fu xing, whom i have fought against countless of times. we were the only 2 people who had 2 wins, so it was either him or me to qualify first. elendril, phadalus the enlightened and marlowe christophers was his party. he got the 17 vp points that he needed to win my E3. he was already in the championship while i still needed 1 more victory. 2 wins 1 lost.

my fourth round was against the other guy who qualified earlier that day. he goes by the name orange chua cheng zhi. somehow, i feel that he is so screwed up that he couldn't come up with a better name than orange. is it because you are as round as a ball and wearing an orange shirt? i mean, c'mon! there are so many better names! he built a team of ironfur bear, bloodscale wavecaller and lady vashj. within a few turns he already had 12 vp, still a long way for him as he needed 28 vp. so i clawed my way, killing lady vashj once and ironfur bear twice. we were both one kill away, and he manage to defeat my EFS for the victroy. 2 wins 2 losts. i'm not entering.
for the third round, i was against fu xing, whom i have fought against countless of times. we were the only 2 people who had 2 wins, so it was either him or me to qualify first. elendril, phadalus the enlightened and marlowe christophers was his party. he got the 17 vp points that he needed to win my E3. he was already in the championship while i still needed 1 more victory. 2 wins 1 lost.
my fourth round was against the other guy who qualified earlier that day. he goes by the name orange chua cheng zhi. somehow, i feel that he is so screwed up that he couldn't come up with a better name than orange. is it because you are as round as a ball and wearing an orange shirt? i mean, c'mon! there are so many better names! he built a team of ironfur bear, bloodscale wavecaller and lady vashj. within a few turns he already had 12 vp, still a long way for him as he needed 28 vp. so i clawed my way, killing lady vashj once and ironfur bear twice. we were both one kill away, and he manage to defeat my EFS for the victroy. 2 wins 2 losts. i'm not entering.
i felt that i've been stolen of my opportunity of qualifying. all my opponents are qualifying while i'm not. if i qualified, i could beat them. i could destroy them. they shouldn't allow people who have qualified to compete again. it just isn't fair.
i know i did my best even though the odds were against me. i was the only one who faced both the people who qualified earlier that day.
well done E3.