last night (18 june), i went for WoW night battlegrounds organized by popcorn gaming. it was at geylang. the place was hard to find (the entrance was just a white door with no signs telling you that this is popcorn gaming) but i manage to find my way with the help of a small map image in my phone. i thought i was late (the time stated was 730, i was there at 738), but i wasn't as there was only leck koon and another guy there. i wasn't aware that i would be getting the DMF figure mortimer the malign. hansen opened a box full of them and gave one to me. the coolest thing is, singapore is currently the only one with these mortimer figures and that this will only be given to those who participate in the DMF championship.
it will cost a lot if i put it up for sale right now on ebay.
it'll be so cool to play three of him.
so we waited for the rest of the players to come and we finally began at 815. a total of 11 people playing. i was still deciding whether to play my infamous E3 of my new thrall party (himself, wilton thorne and illana sunshield). i went with thrall.
my first match (i lost) was against henry's brother, who played prince kael'thas sunstrider, bog elemental and razzani nexus stalker. i liked this round a lot as i used thrall to one hit knock-out on kael'thas.

my second match (i won) was against dralor, vi'gor darkbreeze and magdeline prideheart. this team was played by ian. fun match as my sulfuras, hand of ragnaros (equipped to wilton) would deal 1 damage to whoever deals damage to the owner and my opponents characters where one health away from getting destroyed. so hitting wilton would be dumb, but wilton usually seemed like the only target. wilton made a 4 melee attack against a five amour dralor with 2 health left. and guess what, wilton made the kill. third round (i won), i was up against mark's high priestess tyrande whisperwind, irana and elanna starbreeze. i loved this match as both wilton and thrall were 1 health and it took so long to kill them (wilton survived from 7 attacks, before getting destroyed). last round (i lost), i was against a similar team i played against in round three. the only exception was that instead of elanna, it was savin lightguard. a 30 honor team crushed me. lots of bad dice rolls and weak planning. i got thrall killed 2 or 3 times. that hurt a lot. he made my thrall run around to hunt down tyrande, but was by the time i caught up, he was going to get destroyed. i got 19 vp before losing. i was 6th position in the end.
i liked this team a lot. i plan to use it for awhile and try to come up with better strategies for this team.
for the Horde!