"The new and exciting fundaMetal yo-yo from Yoyofactory, the Hectic is a affordable and GREAT playing Single A yo-yo. We assure you that despite its great price, the performance of this yo-yo is not at all compromised.
With its slightly slimmer design, the Hectic makes those multi string hop Single A tricks a breeze. This, coupled with the bright colors and grind-able surface makes this yo-yo one for ANY serious player!" -spinworkz
With its slightly slimmer design, the Hectic makes those multi string hop Single A tricks a breeze. This, coupled with the bright colors and grind-able surface makes this yo-yo one for ANY serious player!" -spinworkz
cool! suits me, since its for 1A playing style and its a metal yo-yo. but i myself may not get it, cause i've got a couple metal yo-yos. i would rather go for a SuperStar or an 888 than this yo-yo (since they have hubstacks).
Grind machine 2.0.
"The Grind Machine 2.0 is the upgrade to the Grind Machine.
The last yo-yo in the Yoyofactory ProjectRedAlert series, the Grind Machine features everything good about a metal yo-yo in a plastic yo-yo.
As soon as it had been released, this yo-yo became an instant favourite amongst players worldwide, and they usually don't last long in stock.
Super smooth for your long tricks and combos, with textured rims to enhance grinds, this yo-yo performs amazingly and is affordable.
With better manufacturing, smoother plastic and at a cheaper price, what is there NOT to like about this yo-yo?
Death to metal! "-spinworkz
The last yo-yo in the Yoyofactory ProjectRedAlert series, the Grind Machine features everything good about a metal yo-yo in a plastic yo-yo.
As soon as it had been released, this yo-yo became an instant favourite amongst players worldwide, and they usually don't last long in stock.
Super smooth for your long tricks and combos, with textured rims to enhance grinds, this yo-yo performs amazingly and is affordable.
With better manufacturing, smoother plastic and at a cheaper price, what is there NOT to like about this yo-yo?
Death to metal! "-spinworkz
i will actually buy this yo-yo. i love the grind machine a lot, so i just may go along with this one. and wait! its $48! $22 dollars cheaper than the grind machine! it also has better refinements. and hubstacks.
nothing in this world is perfect, so yo-yos like this one has its flaws. its ball bearing no longer has the YYF initials. does this mean that the yo-yo ball bearing is of a lower grade? the yo-yo is also made for china, not the USA.
well, it seems that there are 4 pros (1 is by personal preference) and 2 (lousy, unsupported) cons, i think this yo-yo will be next on my list.
Grind machine 2.0 (left). Grind machine (right).