it's been weeks since i played at the weekly battlegrounds and for the next 3 weeks, i won't be attending cause i'll be having my exams...
Thursday (6 august), i went there after school. i was there at about 735 and found the door locked. so i gave a call to hansen and he told me that he'll be slightly late. so i went to the coffee shop and ordered a can of coke. i waited till about 750 and went to the entrance and saw yong teck and friend (i'm so sorry, i just currently can't remember your name). hansen came within minutes. so we waited for awhile before all the players arrived. there were 6 of us today. during the wait, i decided to run a cairne bloodhoof, mojo shaper ojo'mon, and morova of the sands.
we were drafted and my first opponent was against wei lun. he was playing the same team i played against the last time we met. it was aleyah, bloodhoof and thangal. at tick 2 or 3 (i can't remember) his bloodhoof knocked off my bloodhoof of the board. he was dishing out painful damages and my rolls were filled with misses. i conceded when he gotten 23 out of the 26 vp he needed. i got 1 vp in the end.
we were the first to finish. so we walked around and i saw Jaina VS Valen.
for the second round, i was against that Jaina team. it was runned by yong teck (whom i finally got to play against, this is my first match against him). besides jaina, i was up against ruby and this month's battlegrounds mini jezbella of karabor. at tick 2, my bloodhoof gave ruby a swing and i got the kill, only to find her friends coming back for revenge. yong teck were rolling crits every where and the misses were still with me. jaina's water elemental gave my mojo the final hit which resulted to a lost for me. at least this round i made it to 4 vp. for the record, this is my first time against jaina, and i sure felt her wrath.
last round for the evening and i was against lao shi (teacher in chinese). he was playing illiana, aleyah and champion shadowsun. i got a grip of the team i was playing and i faced all his characters on separate occasions which allows me to predict on his strategies. this game was slow, as both of us gave serious thoughts on our actions. the real heat began when my bloodhoof attacked both his illiana and aleyah with a cleave. with misses, both illiana and aleyah were knocked off the board. champion came in giving my bloodhoof a good hit. as the match proceeded, both teams were on each other's necks and it all came to a point when my opponent was 17 out of 27 vp needed and i was short of 3 vp. i moved bloodhoof up and hope to get the kill on champion and illiana with cleave. the dices were rolled, and i've gotten two success with a crit. all i did was to move his characters. it was tick 5 and all his characters came charging at bloodhoof, killing him off. at the end of tick 5, lao shi got the last 2 vp he needed.
0 wins and 3 loss. i got myself another magma totem and was surprised to see yong teck walking away with 2 jezbella of karabor (he was the overall winner and he won the lucky draw).
we talked for awhile before we left. before we actually did, yong teck gave me his jezbella. Thank you, yong teck!
i took a cab with ian to go home.