a long time ago, i told myself that i'll try new teams and will give E3 a rest and will only use them when i really need to. well, the time has come for me to choose what i'll play at the Nationals. i have narrowed down the teams that i want to play and they are, omedus, thangal and morova, cheap savin wall, blood elf team, triple murloc and the current best candidate, E3.
playing omedus, thangal and morova seems promising, but can you remember the battlegrounds when all omedus did was to kill himself?
how about cheap savin wall? if i play this team, it'll be the first time i'm actually playing the alliance at an event (i don't even remember playing the alliance against anyone before. i just use them for practice)!
blood elf. favorite race. i haven't exactly played this team yet. the theme is built around champion shadowsun. the team helps to keep those irritating ABCs away. i'll play test it real soon.
these little murlocs will never seem to leave me. a 12 honor team seems really good, as i only need 3 kills. but i never quite like them. i hate playing ice block. it slows down the game. i hate slow games!
if i'm playing E3, i really have to give it a tune up. all my ABCs are from the coreset, which means my E3 is fully coreset. i need to get the rest of the ABCs as soon as possible.
who knows? maybe an interesting team will pop out of my mind and i may just play it.
oh well, time for lunch...