saturday and sunday, the two days that i long for every monday.
i just remembered what Joey from Friends said, "Monday-One Day. Tuesday-2 Day. Wednesday-When Day? Thursday- Third Day..."
life's getting a lil' better at the moment. been happy for the past few days. the weather is soo good that i left my windows wide open. i feel like floating...
the World had their WoW Minis Realm Champs over last weekend, and i've got a couple of pics of their First Shot Minis. They are the first figures that are "off the line". They are unpainted and one of a kind (for each figure). so its really cool to own one.

Elendril is sold at an a really amazing price of US$999.99 (Free Shipping, but does that really matter?).
this has made me looking forward to Singapore's Realms next weekend.
and once again, i'm stuck with Team Choice. so many teams were up. so hard to choose.
i just may jump back to what made me good. E3. haha!
[except the Green Tree Guy (Bog Elemental) and the Water Guy (Crashing Wave-Spirit).
Storm Rager and Enraged Fire Spirit (2 of him) would make the cut.]
it'll be cool to use them for the 4th straight time at tournaments. i've always played them, and forever will.
i hope to win so i can get my hands on a First Shot. And if i do, i hope its an E!