Saturday, January 2, 2010

first week of school is over. it has been pretty cool. celebrated Wei Jun and Bernard's birthday on the 31st. ate a lot of sushi. 26 plates to be exact. played Cluedo twice during the week.
spent new year's eve listing to music and looking out of the window, into the dark empty sky.
spent new year's day listening to U2's New Year's Day.

the reality of the due dates of projects are killing me softly. gotta get it done, really soon.
my results came back too.
34/100 for econs.
25/50 for ra.
i really need to buck up.
but how could i? i'm generally hardworking, but it all just can't get in.
Dyslexia is a real bitch.
4 more papers are coming. really hope it ain't like any of those.
2009 has been crap. Test dies. then Umaga. Now it's AX7's Rev.
[rest in peace, Rev. will always remember your drums in the band! you are one of the best!]
but i know, everyone has gotta leave some time.

i failed it. i'm suppose to release my mixtape in december. guess the next best month is April.
Dark Knights may be no more. it may just be Project: Wide Awake (shout out to the Sentinels!).

all i want this year is to see WoW minis out with set 3 and more and me pulling myself back up.

well, i need a new year's resolution.

1. make peace with God.
2. train. if life's kinda screw upped, at least i've got something i could do which i love, MMA.
3. study more. even though i know it's not really gonna help, but i'll try. ha. never say never.
4. release my mixtape.
5. win a Realms Championship. try to be at least top 4.
6. be more friendly.
7. never forget, but let go.
8. give that feeling up. it hurts. but it'll hurt more if it remains with me.
9. think inside the box.
10. be more opened to second rate humor.

hmm. seems pretty neat.