the epics in WoW mins have been very interesting. when a new set comes, all attention will be directed at the epics. everyone will be thinking of finding a perfect synergy to fully utilize the epics. so many parties have been created, but only few epics have shown success and playability. sadly, this poor Champion has never seen daylight.
well, there are many reasons "why he doesn't make the cut".
3 armor and 1 resist. sounds familiar? yup, it's the same as everybody's favorite Thrall. nobody likes to play Thrall because of his flimsy 1 resist. i can't understand why they made the same mistake on Rexxar. all those crazy mages and warlocks are going to give dear Rexxar a really hard time.
his Twin Axes in not worth the 3 ticks. i know he gets to attack again, but this means that the opponent gets to defend again too. his crit is okay but not efficient enough to help balance his weak attack.
his attack has no range. a HUNTER with no range.
Champion of the Horde. this is suppose to be a good thing, but it is simply to hard for this poor chap to kill. this makes him more like a back-up plan. "when your more powerful Horde character couldn't finish off the opponent, let Rexxar do it!" -this shouldn't be the case.
like every other epic, there is a huge price to pay. besides the 10 honor, opponents gain twice the VP when the epic dies.
in attempt to make Rexxar look better, he comes with a really cool pet!
at the cost of 1 tick, with 2 armor, 2 resist, 4 health and an average attack of 3 ticks for 5 attack, Misha looks like another character that has just taken a hit. her crit is pretty cool too.
but hey, this makes Rexxar way more useless if Misha dies!
so how do we fix this problem? Answer: WE DON'T. WE LIVE WITH IT!
we have to look for characters that are preferably hard hitting and have the ability to healing. by theory, i've came up with this.
1. Rexxar
Call Misha
Viper Sting
2. Illiana Sunshield
flash of light
blessing of might
3. Elizabetha Cairnwillow
summon Jhuroon
curse of agony
Summon santuria
Illiana will be doing her protecting and healing for Rexxar.
elizabetha will be dealing the most painful attacks (both Illiana's and Rexxar's attacks are bad) for the team. when jhuroon dies, elizabetha can summon santuria and use her as a sacrifice for elizabetha's Expandable.
it seems pretty good. wait a minute, why don't i remove illiana and place another elizabeth. it will look something like Jaina Zoo. pets all around. maybe this is Horde's weak answer to the version of that party. Rexxar Zoo. Haha.
to sum it up, i feel that there isn't any party right now for Rexxar. we'll have to wait for the next set, Souls of Vengeance. Hopefully there will be a great card that makes Rexxar more playable, maybe a Hunter Beast Mastery card.
if there isn't any, Rexxar will continue to not see daylight...
"Where I lay my head is home.... See that rock? That's my pillow."