Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Life As Kanye West

Pick an Artist and use his/her/their song names as the answers for the questions

Pick Your Artist:
Kanye West

Are you male or female?
American Boy

Describe Yourself:
Everything I Am

How do you feel:

Describe where you currently live:
Good Life

If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
Touch The Sky

Your favorite form of transportation:
Through the Wire

Your best friend is:

What is Life to you:
The Glory

Your Fear:
Anyone But Him

What is the best advice you have to give:
Drive Slow

How I would like to die:
I Wonder

My motto:
Can't Tell Me Nothing

Friday, November 20, 2009

week's at the end!!
saturday and sunday, the two days that i long for every monday.
i just remembered what Joey from Friends said, "Monday-One Day. Tuesday-2 Day. Wednesday-When Day? Thursday- Third Day..."
life's getting a lil' better at the moment. been happy for the past few days. the weather is soo good that i left my windows wide open. i feel like floating...

the World had their WoW Minis Realm Champs over last weekend, and i've got a couple of pics of their First Shot Minis. They are the first figures that are "off the line". They are unpainted and one of a kind (for each figure). so its really cool to own one.

Elendril is sold at an a really amazing price of US$999.99 (Free Shipping, but does that really matter?).

this has made me looking forward to Singapore's Realms next weekend.
and once again, i'm stuck with Team Choice. so many teams were up. so hard to choose.
i just may jump back to what made me good. E3. haha!

[except the Green Tree Guy (Bog Elemental) and the Water Guy (Crashing Wave-Spirit).
Storm Rager and Enraged Fire Spirit (2 of him) would make the cut.]

it'll be cool to use them for the 4th straight time at tournaments. i've always played them, and forever will.
i hope to win so i can get my hands on a First Shot. And if i do, i hope its an E!

Monday, November 16, 2009

i think i'm gonna fail my com skills test. i had no idea what i was writing about, i just kept on writing till' i hit the 550 words minimum. i'm so screwed. this test is 20% worth of my overall score, and it just seemed that i threw it all away.
well, i hope a different outcome would occur tomorrow for my bizz stats.

i was blog-hopping and came across Gerilyn Barairo's blog. she had a post which really got my attention. we're both kinda having the same feeling now. disappointment in outcomes and ourselves and more than 2 levels above Sad.
after reading it, i didn't felt so lonely no more. there are so many people out there like us. things don't go our way.

i've been listening to a lot of Mr. Hudson's songs these days. love his songs so much. the album should be out now in this little island, i really want to buy it.

Time is all i fear, that's why i just keep running.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Eddie Guerrero (October 9, 1967 - November 13, 2005)

Rest in Peace, my brother.
Viva La Raza.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

wow. its finally friday. weeks almost over, but i can't relax. not just yet.
have a test on com skills on monday and a biz stats test on tuesday.
feeling really tired and weak. still aching about it. it just gets worse.

realms is pushed forward, 2 weeks later. a week before my exams. just great...

great thing is the weather. soothes my soul. dark and calm. till the rain pours.
it just may seem to make me more unhappy. but i'll be fine.
there will be tears, but just mine.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

World of Warcraft Miniature Game Realm Championships Map

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

every time i spit
every rhyme i hit
i can't control, bit by bit
it's like i'm a loose cannon
random shots
without the beacon
when has it come this way
i never felt until today
does this mean i really care
what made it seem so unfair
time has never seem to care
rips it out
my heart it tears
i can't take it
i can't bear
weak is now a shirt i wear
streets is where i wanna be
see the lights, looks so free
before a murmur of words
a quiet passing is what i prefer

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

new songs added to Dark Knights.
another school day. lessons were interesting enough (maybe not RA), but was just tired. i barely slept last night.
i'm like counting down for the holidays, looking forward to doing nothing. i miss that. no feelings no thoughts, just nothing.
i feel a lil' crazy right now. must be because that i've have no sugar. i just want a cookie, sure would cheer me up. chocolate chip would be really cool. i'm so pathetic. i feed on my disappoints.
i'm finally feeling the effects, getting sad took me a long time.
should have be there earlier. should have. i wish i was.