Sunday, April 18, 2010

oh well, school's starting tomorrow. i'm not really looking forward to it, but something inside me is stirring with excitement and anticipating a good year ahead. tomorrow is kinda like new year's day to me, starting of school is the new year, and right now i'm counting down to it. timetable looks a little crappy, 4 days waking up at 7 am is crazy and one of those days end at 7 pm, something i'm not looking forward to. ever. i've been having a cold since yesterday afternoon, hasn't gotten away yet. i hope it doesn't ruin my first day. currently right now, the music playing around my ears are 30 Seconds to Mars' This Is War album and Slash's new Slash album. came across many nice songs. kinda right for the mood i'm having right now. did i just use the word "mood"? i thought i was emotionally impaired. haha. this past holiday wasn't really like a holiday. didn't do want i had planned. like spending the whole afternoon looking out of the window and watch the clouds, watching a movie marathon till' i drop, practice on the yo-yos, play a new board game (not really exactly, since i just got myself back to heroclix. bought myself a Ragnarok Surtur fig, but i'm not gonna count that since its just ONE fig) and a couple more. there are the good points too that makes this a holiday. hanging out with koolkids, my secondary school friends and Techapon and the rest. hah, gotta wake up a little more earlier tomorrow, i don't want to be in school in a rush manner. just packed my bag (pencil box, DS, Band Hero instruments and paper). first thing i'm gonna do in school as usual, is to go to Cheers, get myself a can of coffee and chocolates. great morning. haha.